Monday, June 21, 2010

Trip #3 - Vienna, Austria

Vienna was totally as one would expect. Statues, buildings... however, there were a couple of surprises...
Vienna was voted the 2nd best place to live in the world, after Zurich. It is a very safe city.

1) Roman Ruins in the middle of the city, right next to the palace. 
The ruins are thought to be part of the officers' quarters of the Roman legion camp at Vindobona and consist of crumbled walls and tiled floors. The bricks were made in Roman times, and you can still see the stamps on them. This area was a sewage system.

2) Roses in Palace Gardens
There was an amazing selection of rose bushes in the gardens of the Hofburg Palace. You can wander through the gardens, and have a beer in the restaurant in the middle of the gardens when it starts to rain

3) Prostitution
We went out wandering around our hotel one night, and along the street that our hotel and the train station sit on. We were naively surprised to find a large number of prostitutes working along the street. These were not skanky hos - but some of the most beautiful women we have seen in Europe. Apparently they were Eastern Europeans (Rumania, Slovakian etc). There were also a number of "Thai Massage" stores, with a red light outside. Although the girls were working, we did still feel safe walking along the street.

4) Schnitzels
It seems that the Austrians actually do eat a lot of schnitzel, and there were schnitzel fast food places even in the non-touristy areas. Unfortunately,  we ran out of time for schnitzel - although it did look delicious.

5) Techno and Dreads
Vienna is also famous for techno/record stores and there were many MANY white people with dreads. Very cool!

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